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United Nations Global Compact

Global Compact (sin fondo).png



President: Luis Enrique Herrera Alquicira
Moderator: Naomi Yquera Núñez
Conference Officer: Marisol Torres Betancour


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     Topic A: Update and review of the agreements on human and labor rights in accordance to principles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the Global Compact.


     Human Rights are universal, and every person deserves to be treated with dignity. Every employee around the world should have decent working conditions. However, both human and labor rights are not respected until this day. Governments have the duty to protect individuals from third parties, which can abuse easily of people. Businesses and enterprises, in coordination with States and NGO’s, must act with diligence to avoid infringing the rights of others.

     We know for a fact that even though different measures have been developed for the employees working conditions to improve, child labor and forced labor are still a reality and governments are not working hard enough to stop this. In the UN Global Compact’s human rights and labor principles, we notice a lack of a regulatory body to reach a perfect balance among State, enterprise and employee.

     During the debate of this topic, delegates will try to reach multilateral agreements for a complete progress and evolution of the international politics in order to valorize the employees’ rights and the importance of the rapport between CEO’s and Government representatives.


     Topic B: Update and review of the framework against acts of corruption related to direct damage of the environment, in accordance to principles 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the Global Compact.

     Corruption has negative impacts on sustainable development and on the environment too. Behaviors such as the process of illegal permits or licenses for the exploitation of natural resources by paying bribery to public officials, causes the loss of resources, habitats and the destruction of ecosystems from which millions of people and animals depend on. Various sectors such as forestry, the protection of endangered species, water supply, oil drilling, rising and the management of hazardous waste are particularly vulnerable to this kind of corruption.


Social consciousness is a critical and important factor to impulse an anti-corruption worldwide movement to pressure big corporations to correct their wrongdoings. In the debate of this topic, delegates should aim to identify the flaws of the environmental laws and to look for international paths for an efficient relation among corporations, governments, and international organizations beyond the UN, to prevent more resource decay in our planet.

Summoned delegations:

Delegations that appear in yellow have already been assigned.

1. Adidas Company (CEO Kasper Rorsted) (Topic A)/ Volkswagen (CEO Herbert Diess) (Topic B)

2. Amazon Company (CEO Jeff Bezos) (Topic A)/ UN Environment Programme (Topic B)

3. Apple Inc. (CEO Tim Cook) (Topic A)/ Mexico (Topic B)

4. Bayer (CEO Werner Baumann) (Both topics)

5. Berkshire Hathaway (CEO Warren Buffet) (Topic A)/ El Salvador (Topic B)

6. Brazil (Topic A)/ Exxon Mobil Corporation (CEO Darren Woods) (Topic B)
7. Germany (Both topics)
8. Hexagon AB (CEO Ola Rollén) (Both topics)

9. Human Rights Watch (Topic A)/ Thermo Fishers Scientific (CEO Marc N. Casper) (Topic B)

10. India (Topic A)/ Procter & Gamble (CEO David S. Taylor) (Topic B)

11. Indonesia (Topic A)/ Grupo México (CEO Germán Larrea) (Topic B)

12. Italy (Both topics)
13. Japan (Both topics)
14. Microsoft Company (CEO Satya Nadella) (Both topics)

15. Nike Company (CEO Mark Parker) (Topic A)/ Peru (Topic B)
16. People's Republic of China (Both topics)
17. Russian Federation (Both topics)

18. Saudi Arabia (Topic A)/ UN Office on Drugs and Crime (Topic B)

19. Sudan (Topic A) / Waste Connections (CEO Ronald J. Mittelstaedt) (Topic B)
Tesla Motors-SpaceX (CEO Elon Musk) (Both topics)

21. Thailand (Topic A) / UN Convention against Corruption (Topic B)

22. United Nations Human Rights Council (Topic A)/ France (Topic B)
23. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Both topics)
24. United States of America (Both topics)

25. Venezuela (Topic A) / Coca-Cola Company (CEO James Quincey) (Topic B)

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